Core Council Grant
A Way For Students to Gain Leadership Experience
The Core Council Professional Development Grant is a new grant created this year by Core Council. It is designed to help students alleviate financial hurdles and encourage them to further their student leadership skills. The grant funds students to attend a conference or workshop of a professional association that relates to academics, fields of higher education or career aspirations they are aiming for. Any degree-seeking student of any year is able to apply and the conference you are applying for must be within the time period that you are still attending MMC.
Students that apply may receive up to $150 that would fund the conference of the students’ choice that fits the requirements listed above. Any general attendees have the opportunity of receiving up to $100, but students that decide to present while at the conference could receive up to $150. Applicants, however, are not guaranteed to receive funding of any amount. Students that have decided and accepted to present at the conference or workshop receive funding priority. Students that are actively involved in RSO’s (Registered Student Organizations) or other student organizations through Student Development and Activities, and/or Division of Student Affairs will be given preference.
The grants are utilized either on a reimbursement or cash advance basis. When students apply, they must specify which basis is preferred. All the required paperwork is to be submitted to Ben Giuliana, the Core Council Advisor, within 10 days of the conference/workshop conclusion. Proof of attendance, reimbursement (all original receipts for any cost). Paperwork that must be turned in includes proof of attendance, all receipts that must be stapled to a blank piece of printer paper, and any change remaining from the original cash advance. The amount of change returned must be equal to the original amount of money awarded, only without the number of applicable expenditures noted by the receipts stapled to the blank piece of white printer paper.
The registration for the conference/workshop has the possibility of being paid for by a member of the Student Development of Activities team before the program, upon the acceptance of the grant. The total fee of registration, which includes additional fees, will then be deducted from the total amount of money awarded for the grant. The grant money can be used for the conference/workshop registration, meals up to $20 a day during the program. The purchase of alcohol is not included in the $20 meal fee. Grant money is not to be applied towards rental cars, mileage, airfare, or any other travel expenses. The professional development grant can not be requested for community service trips, required academic experiences, or other MMC-based requirements.
Once all the appropriate paperwork is given to Ben Giuliana in the Student Development Suite, the reimbursement process will commence. If the reimbursement is greater than $75, then the process will go through the Business Office. Student Development and Activities is not to be held applicable for the delay in payment in this instance. The application/selection process is as follows: All applications will be reviewed in the academic year that the application is received. Applications must be submitted 6 weeks prior to the conference/workshop that students wish to attend. Applicants must be in good standing with the College, the Division of Student Affairs, and Student Development and Activities. Students must also maintain a 2.70 GPA or higher, and demonstrate a strong academic standing. Accepted applicants will be notified via their MMC email when a decision has been reached and will be prompted with further instructions.
Students can find the grant application on the MMC website under Student Life, then click Student Development and Activities, followed by Clubs and Organizations, to Core Council. At the bottom of the page is the link to the application for the grant. Good luck to all the applicants!

My name is Gabrielle Fiorella. I am a senior double majoring in Digital Journalism and Cinema, Television and Emerging Media with a minor in International...