2021’s Forecast in the Stars

January 4, 2021

Reading Time: 4 minutes

With such a chaotic and traumatic year 2020 was, many are looking forward to a fresh new start come January 1. 2020 was a year of one of the largest global civil uprisings, possibly ever; in addition to bringing us a global pandemic, this year has been action-packed. You can thank the numerous compiled alignments the planets made in the same sign throughout the year for that. All these alignments made for a difficult year because they were right after one another. Oftentimes when recapping 2020, people can list one to two major events or tragedies that occurred per month. Thankfully, 2021 will put a rest to this fast-paced trauma this year has been. 

This upcoming year will be calmer and have its peaks of heightened events, through planetary alignments, retrogrades, and eclipses, scattered throughout the year. To start the year off, the effects of the great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius will still be present. This will mark the age of Aquarius as well as Air signs in general. Additionally, this means a more innovative, technology-based reality for the next 200 years. Along with this, we have Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. A square in astrology is an aspect, the same way conjunctions, sextiles, trines, and oppositions are. More specifically, a square is when two planets are lined up at a 90-degree angle. This aspect signifies tension being created between the two planets, forcing us out of complacency and to make a change or take action. When Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus it will create tension, or friction, between the idea of defending ideals familiar to you versus innovating new ideas that can change a baseline or a collective ideal. It will make us question safety in terms of what we are used to in society and turn over to creating a new type of safety. This square will happen 3 times this year, beginning on February 17th, then June 14th, and lastly December 24th. 

Moving on to the retrogrades that will occur throughout the year, we have 3 Mercury retrogrades. The first one will be in the sign Aquarius, beginning on January 30th and concluding on February 19th, having a notable effect on fixed signs such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The second one takes place from May 29th to June 22nd in Gemini, affecting all mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The last and final Mercury retrograde begins on September 27th and ends on October 18th, in the sign Libra. This will directly affect cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Every Mercury retrograde for 2021 will happen in an Air sign, which depending on the Air sign it is in, will affect it the most. Since this year marks the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the spotlight is mainly on Aquarius. Another retrograde taking place will be a Venus retrograde in Capricorn from December 19th to January 29th, 2022. This retrograde will signify a testing ground of our values and the progress we made throughout 2021. 

Next, there will be a Jupiter retrograde on June 20th to October 18th in Aquarius because Jupiter will be in Aquarius most of 2020; with the exception of May 13th to July 28th when it is in its home sign of Pisces. With Jupiter being known for the growth and expansion of ideas, this will really catapult Aquarius’ qualities of innovation and technological advancement into fruition. While Jupiter is in Pisces, this will be a highly important and opportunistic time for Aquarius and Gemini especially, but for every sign as well. This part of 2021 will be arguably the best because Jupiter will be direct in its home sign and it will give us a preview of what 2022 will be like. The ending of 2021 is when Jupiter will officially move into Pisces. Along with Jupiter, Saturn will also be in Aquarius all of 2020 until 2023. Saturn rules responsibility, boundaries, fears, and self-discipline, and while it is in Aquarius it will challenge these things in people and online interactions. 

The three eclipses happening in 2021 are going to be in Gemini and Sagittarius. The North Node of the Moon will be in Gemini and the South Node will be in Sagittarius. With both Gemini and Sagittarius being known for knowledge and communication, this eclipse will challenge the increase and decrease of communication and the exchange of ideas. There will be an increase in Gemini, meaning an increase in short-term knowledge, facts, data, and lessening in attention span. South Node in Sagittarius will result in a decrease in overarching philosophy and individual perspective. This decrease will help us better understand a unified perspective and help us let go of vague blanketed statements of society and put more work and research into short-term data. By doing so, it will progress society past the need for believing in conspiracy theories. However, misinformation like this will still be floating around and it is important we, as a collective, do not fall into it and get overwhelmed by falsehoods. This will be due to Jupiter in Pisces squaring the Nodes. Jupiter in Pisces is known for delusion and dreams, as well as romanticizing conspiracies. There will be a solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10th, signifying a breakdown of authority and the start of a new beginning. A partial lunar eclipse on November 19th in Taurus, signifying a big ending in relation to environmentalism. Lastly, on December 4th, there is a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius which will mark a decrease in power and world power.

2021 will progress society forward to more expansion, knowledge, unified communication, and growth of self. This will be the year we learn the most and apply all this knowledge and passion to make big changes for society, globally. 

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