Talent Tuesday: America’s Least Wanted

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Welcome to Talent Tuesday’s here at The Monitor. Every Tuesday from now on the Monitor will be showcasing the sheer genius talent that flows throughout our halls. Whether it be conveyed through drawing, acting, dancing, or producing; the varying outlets in which the student body has created to express themselves with here at Marymount are sensational.

​Today’s focus is on the infamous improv team America’s Least Wanted. Run by President Natasha Rolland and Vice President Ethan Greiner, ALW is “Marymount’s premier improv team,” as proclaimed in their Instagram bio.

Photo from @americasleastwantedimprov on IG

​For the readers not familiar with the art of improv, it is a performance in which the plot, characters, and dialogue of a scene are all made up in the moment. Specifically, the way it works for the team is, they will ask for help and suggestions from the audience. Help comes in forms of asking for random words and suggestions to be yelled out or by pulling up an audience member to recall a crazy story from their upbringing. The members of the group will then take the inspiration given and bounce ideas off of each other in order to put on a hilarious show.

​“It’s really cool because along with Dead Rabbits Society (Marymount’s sketch team) we’re the most attended club at school. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that we’re all really hot and funny,” said Joshua Owen, a Musical Theater Major.

With fresh new recruits, the improv team is expanding their talent and reach to the student body. The new inductees include: Molly Levine, Samuel Anctil, Sam Miller, Bretny Seamon, Chloe Friedman, and Jeremiah Garcia.

Americas Least Wanted is putting on their next show this Friday in the Regina Peruggi Room at 7:30. If you’re up for a good laugh, a stress reliever from these midterm blues, or just something to do on a Friday night, the improv show is just the place to let off some steam and enjoy some free entertainment. Oh, and did we mention there is free pizza at every show?