Looking Back: The First Year Experience

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The months leading up to your first day of college are filled with questions, hopes, concerns, and eagerness to get started on the new chapter about to unfold. The count down to move in day, the slew of pinterest boards, and the facebook group that has a new possible friend pop up every hour of the day all create a reminder of what is about to happen. 


For any 18 year old, college is the poster for freedom. Personally, I had all these grand ideas of what my life would be in a few months. For the most part, it was hard to live up to, but the magic of school in New York City gave me one of the most memorable few months of my life. Though some memories may be ones I don’t want to broadcast to all my friends from home, the majority of my time as a freshman in college in New York City has been the most rewarding era of my life.


Along with my personal experience, reflecting on the experience of my peers has shown me how the shared and differing experiences  made the year as fun, stressful, and in the end the best times we shared together. Kai Koren, 19, is a first year acting major who has found her time from august to december to be some of the best few months she was able to experience with plenty of opportunities and new experiences in the city, “My first year at Marymount was very fast paced, but I also learned a lot of new things that I will definitely take with me into achieving my future goals.” Kai is looking forward to what the Fall semester brings while still taking the time to appreciate what she just experienced. Film and Literature studies major, Rachel Pickney, is very thankful for pushing through the challenges of the first semester that allowed for greater success as the second semester took off, “I have been pushed creatively this year at Marymount which is refreshing because I was able to express what I thought was interesting as opposed to the more traditional sense of what schools push.”


Not all first year students at MMC are freshman, many transfer students had an eye opening experience with their first semester at Marymount. Chris Guaraldo, 20, is a sophomore who started at MMC for the Spring 2022 semester. As a digital journalism Major, Chris was welcomed into a world of writing and research. “My first semester at Marymount really introduced me to the aspects of what goes into journalism. I’m just really grateful for the opportunity to have switched to this program, and of course being in New York City has made it even better.” 


 New beginnings are what the first year or semester at MMC brings and as students, we build our own journey as we are given the tools to enhance our knowledge and overall appreciation for the field of study we are in. Next semester is months away and while the break is much needed, the Fall 2022 semester is waiting with even more opportunities and valuable lessons just waiting to be explored.