Isadora Barnett and Henry Casson: Modern Day Club Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes

   Club kids of the late eighties and nineties may have lived for the club- but those of the modern era live off of it. Take Henry Casson and Isadora Barnett as a gleaming example. Casson began throwing parties at 19, met Barnett at the club, and from there- the two made it their goal to bring people together. 

    Upon arrival, our hosts are elusive. There’s a flash of blonde hair, a simple, well fitted white shirt, the glint of a disco ball against black shades. The tell tale signs of Casson. Just as quickly as he’s spotted, however-  he disappears into the crowd. He’s doing his rounds. Attaching to group after group in a tornado of positive inclination and gratitude. A litany of thank you’s and compliments pour from his lips and prior to the interview even commencing- it’s clear that this is an individual with an obscene amount of love to share. 

    Hearing is fickle, but regardless, Casson makes the effort to set up a productive interview. A tap on the shoulder captures his attention, and a migration commences to a quieter section of the bar.  He is quick to offer credit where it’s due. “I throw every single event with Isadora Barnett,” He says upon having a seat at one of the booths. Meanwhile, he’s blowing up the aforementioned’s phone with urgent reminders to come seek recognition. 

    Just as Casson did moments prior, Barnett appears out of the crowd. She’s dressed in a delicate lace ensemble, drenched in mystery. She’s warm and grinning, enthusiastic and patient as answers to shouted questions are rushedly jotted down in the docs app.

Barnett is a creative culture consultant- meaning her job entails throwing parties, and essentially maintaining tranquility. Pulled into the club scene via nights out, Barnett’s initial career route was entirely different. 

“I originally went to school for Journalism.” She said. 

   The partnership between Barnett and Casson was 

born out of spontaneity. “We didn’t plan anything, it was just really organic. I met Henry at the club.” Barnett explained.

“Isadora and I are like Yin and Yang, and together, we’re an explosion of creativity,” Casson added. 

     A night out is a customary New York experience. Barnett and Casson take this concept, and curate it for “the creatives of tomorrow”. The crowd is colorful, in both attire and varying levels of queerness, and the space is buzzing with energy. This being said, there is a common understanding that though the evening may grow belligerent- a secure location has been created. Everyone maintains the privilege of being irresponsible, responsibly. Should someone pose a threat, they won’t make it past the door to get in.  

   The primary appeal of these events lies in their exclusivity. There’s no cover fee, at times, no liquor fees either- but you need to be invited to attend. The list may be expansive, but to enter the jubilee your name must be inscribed- first and last.  In this way, the crowd which is created is extremely close knit for a high volume function. With time, returning to these events over and over again, one will grow to see familiarity in the faces which appear below technicolored lights. 

   “We are what’s up next. Everyday, I help companies keep a finger on the pulse of what’s going on culturally. There’s people in offices talking about us, and what we do, but honestly, we’re just kids trying to get by.” Said Barnett. 

    The kids aspect of this statement rings extremely true, given that Casson and Barnett just recently turned 21. In the clubs which they were granted legal access to merely a year ago, they have sought out their livelihoods. 

“We don’t just throw parties, or go out because we enjoy it. We do it because we know that this is how you get recognition. This is how we get signed,” said Casson. 

  Creatures of the evening gather at these events. To approach them feels daunting, until you are embraced in the warmth of their energy. The building reeks of confidence and of love, because in the end- that’s the name of the game. When asked if they had anything to add, Casson and Barnett assured the following; 

“It’s all about love. It always has been, it always will be. This is New York youth culture!”